Anime High School Girl: Sakura School Simulator is an exciting game that immerses players in the vibrant world of a Japanese high school. With stunning anime-style graphics, players take on the role of a schoolgirl named Sakura, navigating through various challenges and adventures within the school setting. The game offers a plethora of interactive features, such as attending classes, participating in extracurricular activities, forming friendships, and even pursuing romantic relationships. Players can customize Sakura's appearance, choose her activities, and experience a dynamic day-to-day life in a high school environment. The game also incorporates elements of decision-making, time management, and exploration, making it a truly immersive and engaging experience for anime enthusiasts and simulation gamers alike.
1. Click the download button to Downloading Page.
2. For Normal APK File, you can direct download the file, or you can choose fast download the file with our Installer.
3. For Speicial file such as XAPK or BAPK, you must to choose fast download the file with our Installer.
4. When you finish the file downloading, you must allow your phone to install the file from unknown resource.
*Story Base Gameplay With Dialogues System
*15 New Challenging Levels Added
*New Anime School Characters
*Shop Added to unlock characters
*Major Bugs fix