Royal Pirates Mod Apk

Royal Pirates Mod APK v0.1 [Remove ads/Mod speed]

Updated On Apr 2, 2024
Royal Pirates Mod APK 0.1 is a modified Android App with Remove ads/Mod speed Features. Idle cards, easy sailing mobile game!
App Name
Royal Pirates
Mod Features
Remove ads/Mod speed
620.67 MB
Mod info:
Speed Hack,No Ads星海傳奇
在星海廣闊的蔚藍之中,誕生了壹個傳奇的世界——《Royal Pirates》.海洋孕育著萬物,星空凝視著衆生,世界翻天覆地,但星辰大海卻依舊如壹.大陸的沈沒,海面的上升,塵封的故事在波濤中回蕩.而妳,作爲被選中的船長,獲得了解開這個世界秘密的機會.在這片無盡的海洋中,妳將探索破敗的遺迹,結識性格各異的夥伴,揭開故事的帷幕.
《Royal Pirates》不僅是壹場冒險,更是壹段解密曆史的旅程.作爲船長,妳將踏上征程,尋找失落的文明遺迹,揭示隱藏在海底的古老秘密.每壹個沈船遺址,每壹片探索區域,都可能隱藏著關于這個世界過去的重要線索.只有通過不懈的探索和解謎,才能解開曆史的真相.
在《Royal Pirates》中,妳將結識各種性格各異的夥伴,每個人都有著自己的故事和目標.有的是經驗豐富的水手,可以爲妳提供航海技巧和戰鬥經驗;有的是神秘的學者,擅長解讀古老的文獻和遺迹;還有的是勇敢的冒險家,願意與妳共同面對未知的挑戰.他們將陪伴妳壹同冒險,共同探索這個充滿神秘的世界.
然而,《Royal Pirates》的世界並非壹帆風順.在海洋的深處,隱藏著無數的危機與挑戰,等待著勇敢的船長去應對.海盜的襲擊、海怪的出沒、風暴的肆虐……每壹次遭遇都是對船員們勇氣和智慧的考驗.只有不斷地克服困難,才能帶領船員們迎接新的挑戰,繼續向前航行.
妳准備好了嗎?《Royal Pirates》的航程即將開始,壹場關乎命運的冒險正在等待著妳.揚起帆,駛向未知的遠方,探索屬于妳的傳奇之旅!
App Review

Colocess is a fast-paced and challenging puzzle game designed to test your skills and dexterity. With its simple yet addictive gameplay, players must strategically place colored tiles on a grid to create matches and clear the board before time runs out. The game features multiple levels of increasing difficulty, each with unique obstacles and bonuses to keep you on your toes. With vibrant graphics and a catchy soundtrack, Colocess provides hours of entertainment for players of all ages. Can you beat the clock and become the ultimate puzzle master? Play Colocess now and find out!

How to Download and Install?

1. Click the download button to Downloading Page.

2. For Normal APK File, you can direct download the file, or you can choose fast download the file with our Installer.

3. For Speicial file such as XAPK or BAPK, you must to choose fast download the file with our Installer.

4. When you finish the file downloading, you must allow your phone to install the file from unknown resource.

What's New?

1.Adjustment of chapter task rewards
2.Optimization of chapter task interface
3.Fixing the bug of cooldown for sharing private chat messages
4.Added a shortcut for "skip ads".

  • Royal Pirates Mod Screenshots
  • Royal Pirates Mod Screenshots
  • Royal Pirates Mod Screenshots
  • Royal Pirates Mod Screenshots
  • Royal Pirates Mod Screenshots